Invasive Non Native Species
The Trust has been under taking surveys along our watercourses to identify and ultimately deal with Invasive None Native Species (INNS) on our rivers. Japanese Knotweed is one of these species that has a minor foot hold on the Gypsey Race from the wolds to Bridlington town centre. The Trust has been involved instarting to eradicate this plant. Japanese Knotweed can damage structures as it can grow through brickwork and tarmac. It is very difficult to eradicate and can require several treatments.
The Environment Agency have produced a document detailing identification and management of non-native plants species.
Controlling invasive alien plant species on the Derwent
This spring the Trust is coordinating the control of Giant Hogweed in the Derwent catchment. This species can out-compete other species reducing the biodiversity of the river banks and, when it dies back in late summer, leaves bare erodible banks exacerbating the sedimentation inputs into the river. Liaising with landowners and farmers along the Derwent, Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweedis being mapped between Malton and Stamford Bridge. Whilst the high river levels during April and early May delayed the initial surveys we are on track for continuing the control programme of the speciesin partnership with the Environment Agency and Natural England.
Help needed
If anyone spots Giant Hogweed or Japanese Knotweed within the Derwent catchment (in particular near the watercourses) our Derwent Restoration Plan Officer would appreciate the information with as detailed a location and description as possible. If you would like to take it one step further and volunteer to carry out a survey there are many public footpaths that create pleasant walks. All help would be greatly appreciated!
N.B. Please be careful if surveying or walking on public footpaths where Giant Hogweed is present. Touching the plants can cause painful blistering and severe skin irritation as the hairs contain poisonous sap.